Oh! KAREN 浜辺の濡れた砂の上で

It's from a song 「恋するカレン」by 大滝詠一. Lyrics here.

Based on my understanding, here's my translation:
Oh! KAREN I laugh at my dream of embracing you in my arms on wet sand on the beach

Would "laugh at" something be the appropriate or close enough meaning for Nounを笑え. I say "laugh at" because searching for「〜を笑え」showed up this sentence in the search results (as title of one of the youtube videos)

Laugh at life~人生を笑え~

Video with that title here.


1 Answer 1


笑え is the imperative form of 笑う, so literally, it's not "I laugh at my dream" but "Laugh at this dream I had (until now)!". It doesn't make much sense for him to tell Karen to laugh at himself in this context, so I think he's saying this to no one in particular (or, to the listeners of this song). He's describing how silly and laughable his 幻 was.

Also note that ~笑う is somewhat special. 笑う is usually an intransitive verb (~笑う / ~笑う). The transitive usage of 笑う (~笑う) has a scornful/derogatory overtone. You may want to pick a more negative word to translate this ~を笑え.

By the way, 抱き合う is "to embrace each other".

  • Thank you for the detailed answer! Oh! KAREN laugh at my dream of embracing each other on the wet sand on the beach sounds like he is telling KAREN to do it. Would Oh! KAREN the dream I saw of us embracing each other on wet sand on the beach seems so silly/laughable now be a better translation?
    – vadasambar
    Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 3:42
  • By the way, 抱き合う is "to embrace each other". good catch :)
    – vadasambar
    Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 3:43
  • @vadasambar "Please laugh at my dream, Karen" is a natural translation if we see only this part of the lyrics. However, from the entire lyrics, this guy is watching her from a remote place, and he is basically trying to laugh at Karen, not trying to be laughed at by Karen. But that's my personal impression.
    – naruto
    Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 4:08
  • 1
    @vadasambar the dream I saw seems so silly is a free translation but seems good to me.
    – naruto
    Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 5:27
  • so if we look at the two lines alone, the lyrics translate to Please laugh at my dream, Karen but if we take the context of the song into consideration, and it can or does mean He is trying to laugh at Karen. Would this not contradict the answer It doesn't make much sense for him to tell Karen to laugh at himself in this context, so I think he's saying this to no one in particular (or, to the listeners of this song). ? Thank you!
    – vadasambar
    Commented Sep 3, 2020 at 3:41

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