What is the meaning of やらで in this tanka and where it comes from?
I found that the expression 出でやる could be an equivalent of 出てくる but I don't really understand the equivalence between 出でやる and 出てくる at all... I found that 出で comes from 出づ, and old version of the actual 出る (is this correct?). It can be translated as appear, but i don't really understand the function of やる there.
Also I think the で after やらで could act like "not" here, but i am not really sure about that.
The original source is this: volume 4 of Shimpen Kokka taikan, ed. Shimpen Kokka Taikan Henshû I'inkai (Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1986), although I had a hard time finding this book. I also use this English translation, although it's all in rômaji: Just Living, poems & prose by the Japanese monk Tonna, by Steven D. Carter.