I have no clue what の has to do in the sentence. Isn't 周りとコミュニケーションです。enough?
Could we get your translation to see how you understand the relationship between 周り and コミュニケーション and their roles in the sentence?– sbkgs4686Commented Jul 25, 2020 at 23:27
5周りとコミュニケーションです is a common mistake English speakers make. Does this answer your question? using の with と,で, から, まで– narutoCommented Jul 26, 2020 at 0:57
1Also related: Grammar of との, what is the meaning– narutoCommented Jul 26, 2020 at 4:46
2The 'verb' (です) in your sentence is acting as a copula to say that "a is b". This makes the entire predicate a noun phrase. As the posts narutoさん shared mention, a noun in Japanese cannot be qualified directly by certain particles like と, で, へ, まで, etc.; the particle needs to be followed by の in order to allow for it to qualify a noun.– sbkgs4686Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 14:57
1周りとコミュニケーションです is plain wrong. の adds nothing to the meaning; it's just a mandatory particle to make this sentence grammatical.– narutoCommented Jul 26, 2020 at 23:57
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1 Answer
NICE Question.
So the の is in it's possessive functionality here.
The Communication is that which is had between the speaker and those around them.
This is a common form when talking about the state of some relationship or some interaction
Hope that helps
1親との考え方が違うんだ doesn't make sense. 親と考え方が違うんだ or 親との考え方の違いがあるんだ does.– narutoCommented Jul 26, 2020 at 4:49