I'm having a little trouble parsing the phrase in question in the following sentence:
Taken from the back of this videogame's box.
An absurd tale where Benten, Idaten, Adon, Samson and other peculiarly individual characters are facing off against peculiarly individual foes.
A rather free translation but I suppose it gets the point across (minus the phrase in question, of course). I'm not exactly sure how「世界観」fits into the equation here. I've looked the word up and found following:
1 世界およびその中で生きている人間に対して、人間のありかたという点からみた統一的な解釈、意義づけ。知的なものにとどまらず、情意的な評価が加わり、人生観よりも含むものが大きい。楽天観・厭世 (えんせい) 観・運命論・宗教的世界観・道徳的世界観などの立場がある。
2 俗に、文学・音楽などで、その作品がもつ雰囲気や状況設定。「人気漫画の世界観が楽しめるカフェ」
I don't think I'm exactly sure what I'm looking for. If I'm not mistaken number one describes the world view one has and number two describes the atmosphere / appearance of something e.g. of a fictional work. I'm not sure how to interpret either of these into the sentence above though as I'm missing a modifier for「世界観」.
Googling the phrase, I found another sentence which seems to employ the same structure:
Taken from this blog post.
Again I'm missing the modifier as to what kind of「世界観」I'm looking at here.「SWのキャラと冒険する」->「どういう世界観の中でSWのキャラと冒険する?」
I assume「世界観」is trying to highlight the unique setting these works are set in but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it grammatically.