What's the difference between 必要 and 必要性 and in what situation should I use which

  • I can understand the down votes (no research shown), but this does seem like a reasonable question. I looked at Weblio and kotobank and couldn't figure out a difference between 必要性 and 必要 when used as a noun, i,e, when they mean 'necessity'. Apr 3, 2020 at 15:33
  • @user3856370 I normally use 必要 only as a noun, but I chanced across 必要性 when reading a novel. Jisho tells me they are the same when used as a noun, so I'd thought I'd ask
    – Newbie
    Apr 3, 2020 at 18:43
  • Searching both in ALC and comparing example sentences would likely be a fast way to build an intuition here. Apr 3, 2020 at 18:52
  • @DariusJahandarie Thanks. Never heard of ALC, what is it? Is it アルク?
    – Newbie
    Apr 3, 2020 at 18:55
  • Yep. Also known as 英辞郎。 Apr 3, 2020 at 20:55

2 Answers 2


First of all, 必要 is primarily a na-adjective rather than a noun. It means "necessary".

  • ✅必要な量 ❌必要性な量
    necessary amount
  • ✅それは必要だ。 ❌それは必要性だ。
    That is necessary.
  • ✅必要になった。 ❌必要性になった。
    It became necessary.

If you have really used 必要 only as a pure noun, this is the most important difference you have to remember. (And I think this is why your question looked confusing and got downvotes. Your question almost looks to me like "What's the difference between necessary and necessity?", which is too elementary.)

That being said, there are some cases where 必要 is used as a noun. In some cases, 必要 and 必要性 are interchangeable, but in some cases, they are not:

  • ✅読む必要がある ✅読む必要性がある
  • ✅読む必要がない ✅読む必要性がない
  • ✅必要に応じて読む ❓必要性に応じて読む
  • ✅読む必要を感じる ✅読む必要性を感じる
  • ✅必要に駆られる ✅必要性に駆られる
  • ❌必要を検討する ✅必要性を検討する
  • ❌読む必要が高い ✅読む必要性が高い
  • ❌読む必要が乏しい ✅読む必要性が乏しい
  • ❌ワクチンの必要について ✅ワクチンの必要性について

It's hard to generalize and I may be wrong, but I feel:

  • When the focus is the degree of necessity (高い/低い/etc), 必要性 must be used, whereas 必要 and 必要性 are usually interchangeable when the focus is the existence of necessity (ある/ない/感じる/etc).
  • 必要 follows a verb, but it tends not to be linked to a noun using の.
  • 必要性 sounds a little more formal or academic.
  • Sounds to me like it's almost always better to use 必要性 rather than 必要 when used as a noun
    – Newbie
    Apr 4, 2020 at 19:30
  • @Newbie But it would mean you'll sound unnecessarily formal. I recommend you remember at least 必要{がある/がない/に応じて} as a set phrase.
    – naruto
    Apr 5, 2020 at 3:21

Dictionaries say 必要性 means そのものが、どれだけ必要であるかの度合い. That is "the degree of necessity". For example, we can say 日本語を勉強するうえで、この教科書の必要性はとても高い. 必要 can't be replaced with 必要性 in this sentence.

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