I would like to say "I don't mind that," or "That doesn't bother me," but I'm not sure what particles to use for 気にしない when I would like to specify both a subject and an object. These are the combinations that sounded plausible to me:

  • 「それは私が気にしません。」
  • 「それが私は気にしません。」
  • 「それは私に気にしません。」
  • 「私はそれを気にしません。」

Which (if any) of these is correct, and if multiple are permissible, what differences in nuance might exist?

(P.S. I understand that in many cases, the 私 or それ or both could be dropped, but let's assume my case really does call for them.)

  • I think you meant to ask this with 気になる... Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 15:51

1 Answer 1


気にする is transitive (する is transitive here), so you use を:


The を can be replaced by は when それ is thematic or contrasted:


As an aside: Grammatically speaking you can use それ with intransitive 気になる (なる is intransitive), as in:


*For the difference of が and は, this thread might be of help:

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