I have a character that says this phrase, he (A) fights with an enemy (B), where B doesn't put a lot of effort to go against A (he uses magic from a distance to fight.
A says: 楽しくねえだろう。片手間に遊んでもらってもよお。
A's sentence that I can see has てもらう just sounds very odd to me here and I cannot understand properly...
A is the one receiving the action of getting fun/entertainment, right? I don't quite understand what he is trying to express. Also, his sentence ends with もらってもwhich confuses me a bit, and he also has the ’よお’part which gives me the feeling that he says 'come on/will you'? as if to express his dissatisfaction with this fight, that it's not fun (like he said before).
If anyone can provide with any kind of interpretation I would be grateful.
EDIT: I was thinking if this could be an inversion? I didn't consider it because it wouldn't fit the speech style of the character. Even so, if it would be:
I still don't quite make sense of it. So in this context fighting is 'fun' for A and if A is the one 'receiving the favor of getting entertained' (sometimes I do understand better with very literal explanations), then, can it mean something like " Even though you are playing with me in your spare time, it's not fun, y'know." I really have doubts about my interpretation...