
I came across this question title on a Japanese site while doing some digging about mixing kun and on readings for names, and I understand the overall meaning but I'm confused on the use of "de" and "tte". Help would be much appreciated! (To clarify, I'm not asking the question)


1 Answer 1



The で means 'in' or 'among'. I guess it's an abbreviation of の中で, but I'm not sure what difference that would make (not a native speaker).

The って is a topic marker. This is equivalent to は but more casual/informal.

The whole translation:

Among girls names, is Yukika weird?

  • The unnaturalness in English of "Among girls' names" clues us that your translation of で is not right. で here means "as" or here "for", as in としては (to shite wa) not "among". "Is Yukika a strange name for a girl?" 女の子の名前としては雪花って変ですか。
    – user36788
    Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 5:53
  • 4
    @Ben The unnaturalness of my English translation shouldn't give any clue to the Japanese meaning; it's a different language. 'For' may make a better English translation but I'm not convinced this is the grammatical function of で here. Happy to be convinced otherwise though. Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 6:11
  • 2
    One of the ways I always think of で is "within the context/confines of" (this is also how I often distingush で from に when referring to physical location), so I think perhaps another way to interpret/translate this would be "Is Yukika, in the context of girls' names, weird?"
    – Foogod
    Commented Feb 21, 2020 at 18:26

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