From Assimil's "Japanese With Ease" volume 2, lesson 72, sentence 10.
その上【うえ】一人【ひとり】で起【お】き上【あ】がれないから, Furthermore since he couldn't stand up alone
そのたんびに起【お】こしてやり,I had to help him up each time
半【はん】日【にち】かかって,it took half a day
やっとひとつの山【やま】から降【お】りられた。to finally be able to descend from the mountain once
I don't understand why it is 起【お】こしてやりand not 起【お】こしてやって.
1.)Wikipedia says the i-form can be used in conjunctions in formal writing. I assume that this is happening here, am I assuming correctly?
1.a) If not, what is happening here?
2.) Could 起【お】こしてやって, be used instead?
2.a)If not, why?
2.b)If so, how would it change the feeling/meaning of the sentence?