In the song 宝物 by WANIMA, the chorus goes:


紛れもない is in form, which means it's modifiying a verb. However, 全て is nowhere near a verb, but might be an adverb (which if it is, isn't modifying any verb)

I thought there might be a verb 全る but I tried looking it up and there's none.

Is this just a common grammar rule break in songs? Or am I missing something here?


1 Answer 1


This 紛れもなく is like an adverb, but I think it is modifying not a single word but an entire clause, like an English disjunct (also known as sentence adverbs). This 紛れもなく is emphasizing 今この瞬間が全て as a whole. A similar example is:

= 彼は間違いなく犯人だ。
He is definitely the culprit.

Note that the ku-form of an adjective can also modify another adjective, e.g., 酷く臭い ("terribly stinky").

  • I see! Follow up, is the placement of 紛れもなく common Japanese? Or it's just an art or poetry kind of thing? ありがとう!
    – Wreigh
    Dec 17, 2019 at 12:44
  • @Wreigh 紛れもなく is common, and it's almost a set phrase.
    – naruto
    Dec 17, 2019 at 12:56

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