I saw this dialogue in an anime; 柑菜{かんな} is a girl in love with 海{かい}, and a short before this happened visited 海's house. A knows of 柑菜 feelings, since there was a dialogue in which she kinda confirmed (something like "Since when do you know about my feelings?") and she explicitely said she won't confess.
A: 柑菜な
海: 谷川{たにがわ}柑菜?谷川柑菜なら今日うちに
A: あいつ海がすきだぜ。谷川柑菜は霧島海人{きりしまかいと}を好きなんだ
I'm not sure why 「を」 instead of 「が」. I found some answers on this topic, like this and this, but they focus on 「好き」 and the like being in relative sentences, which doesn't seem the case here. Does using 「を」 implies an unsaid 「と思う」? Since A knows about 柑菜's feelings I'm not sure this is the case.