I have the following sentence from chapter 140 of the manga, 『五等分の花嫁』.
Context: One of the girls (of 5 siblings) is speaking with her male friend and she is discussing how that before their family became rich, they used to be quite poor.
Here is my attempted breakdown. I believe the subject of the clause marked as the topic to be the girl's mother (I could very well be wrong here, causing my whole interpretation to go awry).
- Until her second marriage with the current father.
- possessive?
- 私たち is the subject and as for them, they were poor.
I've seen plenty of "noun + の + noun" situations and plenty of situations where a clause precedes の allowing の to treat the clause as a noun.
Example: 涼しい飲み物の一番の選択
- The best choice of cool drinks
Example: 漫画を読むのが楽しい。
- The thing of reading making is fun.
I've also seen where you can combine particles like で and の to make noun phrases. The pattern here is "noun + での + noun".
- studying in the library.
I'm starting to think that the usage is similar to the first. One issue is that I'm unsure what まで is. Jisho says it's a particle, although I only considered true particles to be "が、を、で、へ、に、も、は". Considering it to be a noun, the structure would be, "relative clause packed onto noun (まで) + の + noun".
The English translation sounds goofy but it would be something like this:
- As for us (私たち) of class "until our mother remarried with our current father," we were poor.
Would this be correct? I think the root cause of my misunderstanding is まで and seeing it as a noun. までの seems a bit weird to my western eyes.
I appreciate all help that comes my way.