The English word 'some' is pretty versatile and can be attached to many other words. In Japanese, what tends to happen is that 'some' gets translated differently according to what kind of things you are talking about. Here are some examples (pun intended):
- 誰か somebody
- 何か something
- どこか somewhere
- いつか some day / some time
- いくつか some items
いくらか some amount
Moving specifically to your question, you suggested that
might be translated with 'some'. However, the literal meaning is "What are the birds you like?" I suppose you could argue that using 'some' in a translation is justified, but there is probably a better way. One simple way would be to ask:
どんな鳥が好きですか。(lit. "What kind of birds do you like?")
Since when you use 'some', you are asking the person to list a few items which match the criteria of 'birds you like', you could also use いくつか
("some things") [Definition here]. You could ask someone to list some bird types they like by saying something like:
いくつか好きな鳥を言ってください。(lit. "Please say some bird (varieties) you like").
As with most things in language, there is usually a variety of ways to express any given phrase or sentence. But it's probably useful to learn about いくつか anyway, so here are some more examples of いくつか, from Weblio (Click here).