I encountered this sentence in my textbook:
In all cases of passive form that I learned so far, I only ever seen it used with が
Referring to the answer from this post:
Why is を used with passive form here?
I understand that を marks the direct object and が marks the indirect object of the verb.
However I have trouble understanding the difference in meaning between the two particles when I replace them in a sentence:
彼の秘密が知られる His secret will be known
彼は秘密を知られる His secret is known (?)
So can I rephrase 名前を知られるような人物 to 名前が知られるような人物 without a change in meaning? What is the difference?
Unrelated to my main question, does the ような mean "like" in this context? 名前を知られるような人物, "a person like whose name is known"