I asked an earlier question What does 通して聞く mean when they are used together? where I was confused by how a sentence used 通して but with a は instead of a を. Can someone help to shed some light on whether this is allowed, and if so.. under what instances can we use は instead?

Thanks for reading!

1 Answer 1


The object of a verb is usually marked with を, but when that object is the topic of the sentence, を will be replaced with は. This is a basic grammatical rule, and it has nothing to do with the usage of 通して itself. See: What is a topic prominent language?

In your example, みなさんのパフォーマンス is the topic of the sentence, so it's marked with は even though it's the object of 聞く.


EDIT: Note that the object of みなさんのパフォーマンス is 聞く, not 通す. 通して is the te-form of 通す, and here it's working like an adverb that describes how the main action (聞く) is done. Compare: 音楽を座って聞く ("to listen to the music while sitting"), リンゴを急いで食べる ("to eat an apple in a hurry").

  • a follow-up question (sorry for pestering), as a foreign learner, I have learnt how certain phrases normally come with specific particles such as を+通して in this situation but I have recently come by to see that this is not always true, so it will make more sense to look at the clauses/sentence before determining whether we need to change the particles
    – Arcoirs
    Commented Jun 1, 2019 at 5:44
  • ん? 今気づいたんですけど、"Edit" の冒頭の the object of みなさんのパフォーマンス is 聞く, not 通す. は、「みなさんのパフォーマンス is the object of 聞く, not 通す」じゃないでしょうか?
    – chocolate
    Commented Sep 27, 2021 at 3:57

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