So, I have an exercise which has 3 sets of sentences. The 1st one is supposed to be translated using ことになる, the 2nd - using ことになった, and the 3rd - ことになっている. The construction itself is pretty understandable. It means that something was decided not by a speaker, but by circumstances or by somebody else. I get it and there's nothing difficult but... let me show you 3 sentences, 1 from each set so you could get the idea:

1 The time difference between Moscow and Tokyo is 6 hours which means that it's now 11 p.m. in Tokyo.

2 It was decided that we all go to Kyoto.

3 Classes last until 2 p.m.

2 and 3 are easy to translate but I can't understand how to translate the 1st one

1 -------

2 私達は京都で会うことになった。

3 授業が午後2時までつづくことになっている。

1 Answer 1


For the translation of sentence number 2, in its current state, the statement itself may be true (It sounds like "It has been predetermined: we will meet at Kyoto."), but since the trip was decided in the past, the translation should have「~へ行くことになった」or something similar.

In sentence number 1, the "which means that" is the part that corresponds to「~ということになる」. In this way,「~ことになる」is also used to indicate a logical conclusion. Here it's used in a related manner.

  • wait, so I can add 「という」and then go for the aforementioned construction? didn't know that. will check the link, thank you!
    – Tawahachee
    Commented May 16, 2019 at 10:02

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