Can someone tell me what "お戯れを" means? I came across this in a Japanese drama. I can't quite figure out if this is almost like a formal and polite request to make somebody stop 'kidding around' or if it's something else completely. In what context can this be used?
1 Answer
お[戯]{たわむ}れを is mainly heard in samurai dramas. Typically, a samurai or a maid says this to their master in the sense of "You must be joking" or "You're not serious, are you?" In dramas set in modern Japan, an old butler- or detective-like character may say this, too.
A more common equivalent in modern Japanese is ご冗談を.
EDIT: You may be wondering which verb is omitted after を, but there are no "long" versions of these expressions.
Even if there’s no actual longer expression, isn’t the verb implicitly 言う? (Although it’d be unclear how to conjugate it.) Commented Mar 7, 2019 at 14:16
1@DariusJahandarie I'm not sure,.. We say 嘘を言え, but 嘘を makes no sense. We say ご冗談を, but ご冗談を言え makes no sense to me.– narutoCommented Mar 8, 2019 at 2:26