According to this, "noun + の + こと" mostly means "regarding noun" when it is used.

By adding a だけ to the end, (so that it's now "noun + の + こと + だけ") does this change the meaning to something else, or does it change the amount of regard given to the noun?

1 Answer 1


does this change the meaning to something else, or does it change the amount of regard given to the noun?

Neither. It adds the meaning of "only". When X is a noun, Xのこと forms another noun phrase. And noun + だけ just means "only ~". So:

  • Xのこと = things regarding X; things about X
  • Xのことだけ = only things regarding X; only things about X
  • あなたのことを考えています。
    I am thinking about you.
  • あなたのことだけを考えています。
    I am thinking only about you.
    (Not: I am thinking things that are related only to you)

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