I am not sure what verb I would use for "packing up" (e.g. Packing clothes into a suitcase). Would I use the verb 詰める {つめる}, which is "to stuff into?"
2 Answers
Yes, you would use 詰める. (you can also use variants such as 詰め込む)
You can get a lot of example sentences on Google, too.
This one is pretty useful as well.
Can you also use 詰める for in general packing up? (for example, packing up and checking out of a hotel). Commented Dec 19, 2018 at 0:00
@Joshuap88 In that case, 荷造りをする as istrasci mentioned would be better. Ex: 荷造りをしてチェックアウトをする Commented Dec 19, 2018 at 0:04