For full context:
The sentence in question: その後、適切なケアを受けられないと、「次の子どもを愛せない」など深刻なケースにつながることが分かってきました。
My attempt at translation: We found out that afterwards, if they cant undergo appropriate care, it can severe cases where they cant love the next child.
The way I translated 適切なケアを受けられない a が instead of an を would be needed. But maybe I just misinterpreted the whole thing, that's why IM asking here ^^
Furthermore, I couldn't really find an entry on jisho for 愛せない. All I found was this but it leads to a dead link ^^ I just assumed that it would mean "to love" but I couldn't find confirmation anywhere, especially since I must admit that I cant really use goo jisho...^^
And finally, just on a sidenote: Why is 「次の子どもを愛せない」 put into brackets? The way I used it it's kind of a relative attribute, but it seems to be more of a quotation from an interview or the like.