speaker secretly follows a bunch of thugs. And watches them enter a somewhat hidden cave while being in a cheerful mood.



> ……なんだ。単に秘密のアジトを見つけて浮かれているだけか?

My issue is that


Simply finding a secret hideout and they are excited? (speaker thinking it's an overreaction)



Finding a secret hideout, and they are only exited? (speaker thinking it's an under reaction)

makes sense. but the actual sentence


why? (they) simply found a secret hideout, are they are only cheerful? (can't tell what point this is trying to make)

having both 単に and だけか in the same sentence doesn't make sense for me.

Thank you far any clarifications.

  • 1
    Related, maybe? japanese.stackexchange.com/q/51667/9831
    – chocolate
    Commented Nov 18, 2018 at 23:19
  • perhaps if it were 単に秘密のアジトを見つけるだけ浮かれているか?, but the i find that example hard to apply to the original sentence.
    – charu
    Commented Nov 18, 2018 at 23:23

1 Answer 1



Treat 秘密のアジトを見つけて浮かれている as one set action. As this answer explains, 単に and だけ are often used together for emphasis. You can drop one of them without largely changing the meaning.


They all mean "(I thought they were doing something different but) They're simply elated after finding a secret hideout?"

As an aside, なんだ in this context is an interjectory set phrase said when the speaker saw something and got disappointed. "So this is it?", "How disappointing", "Gosh", "Gee", etc.

If it were "秘密のアジトを見つけて、単に浮かれているだけか?", then it would mean something like "Are they merely excited even though they found a secret hideout?" Note the position of 単に is different.

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