This is from Death Note where Ryuk is explaining Light about the hidden cameras he found in his room.


Does 奴 refer to a person (the person who installed the cameras) or an object (the cameras)? Most of the translations I found only refer to a person, for example:

1) I can only imagine that whoever placed them here was prepared to be caught if necessary.

2) I guess whoever put them here expected you to at least find some of them.

If 奴 is a person here, should I interpret 付けた奴 as "person who installed (cameras)"?

Also, can the で in 覚悟で by interpreted here as "with" like in "with resignation (of being discovered) he installed the cameras" ?

2 Answers 2


付けた奴 by itself can mean both "the person who installed the cameras" and "the cameras someone installed", but since this 奴 works as the subject of another 付けた that follows, we can say this 奴 refers to a person.

noun + を覚悟で is a set phrase that roughly means "(do something) at the risk of ~" (This を is often omitted even in writings. For example, 失敗覚悟で, 失敗を覚悟で and 失敗するのを覚悟で are interchangeable.)

I can't think of anything but that the guy who installed them did so at the risk of being found (i.e., knowing Light might find them).


「奴」, pronounced 「やつ」, is an informal term used as a way to refer to a person. It can often be considered rude to refer to someone using this word, so I wouldn't recommend using it in polite conversation, if at all.

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