Equivalent question: What Japanese letters won't equal 1?
From: the homophonic group: a mathematical diversion → This is an exercise from Michael Artin's Algebra on, well, abstract algebra. In this exercise for the English language, words are equal if they are homophones, kind of like a formalisation of the joke that sin(x)/n=6. So in English:
bee=be → This implies e=1 by cancellation of b and e.
buy=by → This implies u=1 by cancellation of b and y.
rase=raze → This implies s=z by cancellation of r, a and e.
canvass=canvas → This implies s=1 by cancellation of c,a,n,v,a and s. By canvass=canvas and rase=raze, we have s=z=1.
Eventually, all 26 English letters will equal 1. Apparently, this was done for French and Czech.