
I understand the sentence to be:

In '73 it became a television show, and today it continues every week.

My question is about the form of the verb なる in the above sentence – why is it "なり" here? When is the stem form of the verb used in this way?

  • Please ask one question per question. I've edited out your question about 続いて, but please feel free to re-post it as a separate question. If it helps, you can find the text of your original question here: japanese.stackexchange.com/revisions/…
    – user1478
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 20:10

1 Answer 1



As you know, both verbs and adjectives conjugate in Japanese. 「なり」 is the 連用形{れんようけい} ("continuative form") of the verb 「なる」.

This sentence talks about two events -- 1) "It became a TV program." + 2) "It has continued to today."

「なる」 is the terminal form; therefore, it cannot be used mid-sentence to connect itself to another verb phrase. Instead, you must use the continuative form 「なり」.

Read here and see how 「だ」 becomes 「で」 mid-sentence:

How to parse 中国人で日本語が話せる方は、お電話ください。

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