B「そうなの。あの子、(   )、いやがって口を開けないのよ。」
1 飲むことにしても  2 飲むつもりでも
3 飲ませたつもりでも 4 飲ませようとしても

I chose 3 飲ませたつもりでも. The correct answer is 4 飲ませようとしても. I think


means "I planned to make him drink it, but he hates it, and I can't open his mouth.", while


means "I try to make him drink it, but he hates it, and I can't open his mouth." In English, these both sound fine to me, so I don't understand why 3 飲ませたつもりでも is wrong.

I realized maybe the reason is A is using the present tense, 薬飲まないの?, so using the past tense, 飲ませたつもりでも, is wrong. Is that why?

1 Answer 1


~~たつもり(だ) means "I think I did~~".

飲ませつもりだ "I intend / am planning to make him drink"
飲ませつもりだ "I think/believe I (have) made him drink"

So 「あの子、飲ませたつもりでも、いやがって口を開けないのよ。」 would mean "Even though I think I (have) made him take/drink (the medicine), he wouldn't open his mouth", which would make little sense.

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