I am having trouble understanding the second sentence below.
I understand that ぼく is "I / myself" for a boy, and adding a の to it makes it a "my". I also know that せいふく is "uniform", and understand that the first sentence means "This is my uniform." However, I do not understand the other sentence.
かっこいいな means "cool" but how is the word used individually as a sentence? Is this a typo, or am I misunderstood? Is the っ supposed to not be small, but rather it's normal size to mean a different word of some sort?
This is my first question on the Japanese Stack Exchange. I am familiar with the Stack Exchange, and am a student learning Japanese who desires to go to Japan and perhaps live there. I am highly interested in their culture, and I also really love mathematics, for which I also post questions on the Mathematics Stack Exchange.
Anything that I need to know, please tell me in comments or answers.
Thank you in advance.