Often times, it is common for a speaker to make an assertion or opinion based upon a (ethnic or social) group to which they belong. In English it is common to use prefixes like "we" or "us" to indicate this. For example:
- We Americans love hamburgers.
- We Trekkies believe that Klingon is a better alternative to English.
Is there an equivalent to this in Japanese?
Using the first example as a baseline, a possible translation could be to use の as a modifier, and could be rendered as:
- [私達]{わたしたち}のアメリカ[人]{じん}はハンバーガーが[大好]{だいす}きだよ!
But I have no idea how this would be interpreted by native speakers.
Also, since idea of making statements based upon an inclusive group may be seen differently depending on the culture, if someone could tie in some tidbits as to how common it is to use expressions like this, how they reflect upon social status, or any other important things to note, that'd be great.