For full context:
The sentence in question: "残念ながら八王子隕石と特定はできませんでしたが、研究グループは、引き続き八王子隕石の実態の解明に挑みたいとしていて、一般の市民に、自宅に隕石のような石がないか、情報提供を呼びかけています。"
My attempt at translation: "Im afraid to say that concerning hachioji meteorite and the specification, though we cant do it the research group trying to continously try to tackle the elucidation of the true state of hachioji meteorite appeals to the general public for the provision of information if there is a stone like a meteorite in the house."
I don't know what to make of this みたいとしていて. I read that "volitional+とする" means "to attempt to", but usually volitional form means the よう-forms. みたい is also somehow volitional, but I couldnt find anything whether it can act in analogy to ようform+とする