
"However, since he wouldn't surrender.... he could show resistance." I'm not sure what いつ如何なる時も is supposed to mean.

  • 3
    A good answer has already been provided by @Schokolade, so I will say this here. There is no equivalent of "since" in the original sentence. The basic structure of that sentence is "By doing A., he can show B at any time." The key phrase is 「ことで」.
    – user4032
    Feb 5, 2018 at 13:22
  • @l'électeur Wasn't ということで a way of saying "because" as you told me japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/54875/… ?
    – Ushiromiya
    Feb 5, 2018 at 13:53
  • 1
    That is a different kind of ということで altogether. This one is used to describe a method.
    – user4032
    Feb 5, 2018 at 14:03
  • How do you tell the difference? Both sounds good to me.
    – Ushiromiya
    Feb 5, 2018 at 14:07
  • 3
    Context, period. Does your TL "Since he wouldn't surrender, he could show resistance." really make sense to you? To me, "By not surrendering, he could show resistance." would make more sense.
    – user4032
    Feb 5, 2018 at 14:26

2 Answers 2


「いつ[如何]{いか}なる時も」 is a literary way of saying 「いつどんな時も」.
(いかなる is a literary way of saying どんな).
「いつ、如何なる時も」 means (literally) "at any time, at any situation", and it's an emphatic way of saying "at any time" "no matter when" (≂ 「いつでも」「どんな時も」).


As you know いつも means "every time", while 如何なる時 emphasizes いつも, so いつ如何なる時も means "every single time".

  • 1
    "every single time" は「毎度毎度、毎回毎回、10回似たようなイベントがあったらそのうちの10回」という意味ですが、「いつ如何なる時も」とは意味が違います。滅多にない事象で考えると分かりやすいでしょうが、「いつ如何なる時も地震への備えを欠かさない」の冒頭を「毎回」に置き換えると相当変です。
    – naruto
    Feb 6, 2018 at 3:20

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