The following is an excerpt from a reply from my language partner: 「チームのスパイ行為」 が主語で、「暗示を上げる」という行為の間にはさまれた条件文を、受身形にした場合と、能動形(普通の文)にした場合で比較しているので、わかりにくくなっています。
For context: I tried out a rather overcomplicated structure in passive voice because I wanted to see wether this is still grammatical/understandable or not. I also wrote down the same sentence in the active voice and I asked for her feedback. Here are the 2 sentences (ridden with awful grammar):
passive voice: 例えば、チームのスパイ行為はチームにwhaleとsharkの言葉を選ばれるつもりだったら、「Fish, 2」という暗示を上げたらいいでしょう。この番号は代行者にスパイ行為が望言葉の分量を送ります。
Active voice: 例えば、チームのスパイ行為はチームがwhaleとsharkの言葉を選ぶつもりだったら、「Fish, 2」という暗示を上げたらいいでしょう。この番号は代行者にスパイ行為が望言葉の分量を送ります。
So, back to the sentence in question, here is my attempt at translation: "It is difficult to understand, because you made a comparison in the case where you made the conditional statement, which was inserted in the space between「チームのスパイ行為」as the subject and the action 「暗示を上げる」, active voice (the normal sentence) and in the case where you made the conditional statement passive voice."
In my translation, I assumed that チームのスパイ行為」 が主語で、「暗示を上げる」という行為の間にはさまれた is the attribute to 条件文. Furthermore, I assumed that 条件文 relates to both 受身形にした場合 and 能動形にした場合. I don't know if thats correct, but I couldn't find any other solution which would have made sense.
I'm also not entirely sure wether my interpretation of the particle で in 場合で is legit.