I saw this sentence in the dialect of a videogame between character A and B.
B says this line after being defeated by A.
I think B is saying that they should pretend this (defeat) is a "tie" (Because he seems to be arrogant) but I'm not sure how the おいて part shows some kind of preparation for the future. Would it be ok to omit おいて form the sentence? or will change the meaning completely.
His entire speech was:
「ハァ…ハァ…こんなに熱くなったのは久しぶりだぜ… 今日のところは引き分けって事にしておいてやるっ! 今度オレとやる時まで、誰にもやられるんじゃねぇーぞ!じゃー、あばよっ!」