Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life:
Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed.
My translation is a bit silly.
1) Does かな act on the whole sentence or just the second clause, i.e does she wonder if throwing clothes away will make her feel refreshed or does she wonder about the act of throwing away the clothes too?
2) I don't really understand してみよう here. Presumably this is the volitional form of してみる (I will try to doing ...). But, you don't normally 'try to feel refreshed'; it sounds weird.
I'd like to move てみよう to the end of the first clause so that I get "I will try throwing some of them away, and maybe I'll feel refreshed", but then I don't think you can add a second clause, because 捨ててみよう can't be turned into て形 can it? Is that why it all has to move to the end of the second clause?