I've recently been noticing some patterns which look like two repeated past-tense verbs, but I think which indicate a command rather than the past tense. For example:
"Get along with you!"
I also noticed in the Baseball manga "Major" the following, which was called over a loudspeaker:
But I'm not sure what it means, or indeed if it is a command or baseball/sport-specific (it was at the start of the chapter and I'm missing the previous volume so I'm not 100% sure what the context is.)
If both of the above are commands, are they roughly equivalent to さあ、行け
and 入れ!
? Is 行け!
more assertive than 行った行った!
Can this pattern work with any verb, e.g. さあ、食べた食べた!
or is does it only work for a few?