Recently I heard the sentence:


when the teacher was trying to explain difference between "要望" and "要求".

I am wondering if "ぽくって" is the informal "テ形" of "っぽい" because it looks like "っぽくて".

  • You said you "heard" the sentence. Do you mean that the sentence above is how you heard it spoken? Could it be that it was just a slip of the tongue or something?
    – kandyman
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 18:22
  • The sentence is from here 6:19
    – chika
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 1:24
  • It sounds like 命令っぽくて to me. If it was 命令ぽくって I think the pitch of the くwould be different.
    – kandyman
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 7:33

1 Answer 1


It is exactly as you stated.

Using 「Word + っぽい」 over 「Word + ぽい」 is actually a "recent" phonetic trend in the history of the language. The trend is only about 100-plus years old.

If you read novels from Meiji Era (1868 - 1912), you will notice the coexistence of both forms.

「~~くって」 is the colloquial form of 「~~くて」 and it is very common in our spoken language. It is, of course, the te-form of an i-adjective.

e.g. 「このリンゴはあまく(っ)ておいしい。」("This apple is sweet and yummy.")

It can, however, be kind of difficult (and even stressful) to utter 「命令{めいれい}っぽくって」 with two small っ sounds in such a short phrase because, as in any language, we tend to speak fast in our informal conversations.

Thus, uttering either 「命令ぽくって」or 「命令っぽくて」 using only one small っ would be much easier.

I think this is why the person in question said 「命令ぽくって」 (almost) instinctively as a native speaker.

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