First: (Line 12 of the correction) ・火を起こす(condition)→暖かい・食べ物を焼けるし温められる….. what does this little dot ・ between 暖かい and たべもの mean?
The dot is a comma as is shown below.
"し" in 食べ物をやけるし means "and", then, "→暖かい・食べ物を焼けるし温められる" means as "→ 暖かい, 食べ物を焼ける and 温められる".
Second: ... I just wanted to know wether its possible to express exactly what I described above in japanese. And if its possible, how would you express it?
It's possible.
My trial is like:
You: 例えば、火が作れる場合は冬にぬくもりが作れし、食べ物が暖められる。
The proofreader: 例えば、火を起こせば冬にぬくもりが作れるし、食べ物が温められる。
Me: 例えば、火が作れる場合は冬にぬくもりが得{え}られ、食べ物も温められる。
I'll show you how I made my trial.
Since the repetition of the same word in one sentence is not so good also in Japanese, I changed the latter "作る" into "得る". In addition, because "し" which represents "and" is not a very neat way of saying, I used "も" in the latter part of the sentence to keep the same meaning of your sentence.
Third: (Line 8 of the correction) 燃やしてしまう可能性もある => What is this 性? What is its reading? I think さが
性 could be read as せい or さが, and 性 in 可能性{かのうせい} is read せい and it functions to make 可能{かのう} possible into a noun meaning possibility.
As for this question, I agree with Seesawscene's answer.
Difference between 暖められる and 温められる
I'll tell you why the proofreader and I changed 暖められる into 温められる in your original version in Japanese.
As you know, the two words are potential forms or passive forms of 暖める and 温める.
So I will explain the difference between the basic form 暖める and 暖める. They are also transitive verbs and are used to warm something, and their intransitive forms are 暖まる and 温まる as you know.
The difference between 暖める and 温める is explained in detail here, here and here, but they seem not to be easy to understand for those studying Japanese, and to make matters worse they are written in Japanese.
So, I will try to explain the contents of the above articles comprehensively while correcting deviations from my understanding on which I usually use them properly in an easy-to-understand manner using images.
The most important key word or key point of the difference is "the temperature of [芯]{しん} the core or center" of something to be warmed.
I'll proceed with my explanation while using the kanjis of 暖 and 温 properly. I hope you to pay attention to how these kanjis are used properly.
If you go to the fireplace and warm yourself at it with a cold body, the body will gradually warm up, but the back is still cold. Why does this happen?
It is because that the front of the body warms up quickly with the warmth of the fireplace (called "radiant heat"), but the warmth has yet to reach the core of the body, needless to say about the back of the back.
In other words, that is because the heat of the fireplace has not yet reached the center of the body, so the whole body has not been warmed up completely.
It is the state in the middle of warming yourself at the fireplace when the body's surface or the front part of the body is warm but the body's core is not yet warm.
The same can be said when warming food. In order to put food in a pot or in a microwave oven to heat or reheat it, it is necessary to spend an adequate amount of time to heat not the surface but the core of food to become the optimum temperature.
You know that there is a hot spring as one of the symbols of Japan. If you have a good long soak in a hot spring, you could warm your body's core. For a while after getting out of the hot spring, you would experience to continue to break sweat because the body's core is warm even if you are in a little cooler place.
When we are facing the heat of the fireplace or the heat of the sun, which are heat sources, we feel warm, but the warmth ends when the heat sources are shut off. Therefore, "暖" is more suitable, I think, to be used to express the heat sources rather than to express the side feeling the warmth of them.
In other words, "暖" is most suitable for being used as in the adjective "暖かい" rather than in "暖める" or "暖まる" to express the state of the heat sources like in "暖炉が暖かい" or "太陽が暖かい".
On the other hand, "温" describes the warmth of the heat transferred to the core of something or somebody from the heat source, so that the warmth is retained for a while even if the heat source is removed. Therefore, I think "温" is suitable for expressing how the temperature rises as in a verb "温まる" or "温める" used in such as "温泉で温まる" or "食べ物を温める".
Lastly, I will teach you the knack of how to memorize them.
"暖" in "暖炉 fireplace" is used to warm on the surface of the body, while "温" in "温泉 hot spring" is used to warm up to the core of the body. Let's cook up to the core of the food same as a hot spring does.
as inthe nature of this situation
or something like that... I could very well be wrong though...