I was speaking with a friend and at one point in making plans said something like:
but was corrected to:
I understand how the particles and such work with the もらう but it doesn't make sense to me to use them with a simple する. If it's me who's receiving the task, 私は田中さんにもらう seems correct, but looking at the 連絡する separately doesn't make as much sense: 私は田中さんに連絡する. To make it work with the もらう don't I have to change it to させる?
After this correction, it spurred a further conversation about using もらう and くれる but I feel like I've gotten even more confused.
These make sense.
That one doesn't make any sense to me at all.
I guess what I'm looking for is an in depth explanation as to what forms of verbs to use with kureru/morau (transitive? intransitive? passive?) and what particles would need to accompany them.
読ませてもらいたい 読ませていただきたい
おかしくないと思いますが・・。「~せてもらう」「~せていただく」って結構使いますけど。「帰らせてもらいます。」「大切に使わせていただきます。」「これは預からせてもらうよ。」 「禁煙とさせていただきます。」とか。でも「 彼に私は乗らせてもらった」は(車の話なら)「乗せてもらった」のほうが自然のような気がします