I started reading 三人法師 by Tanizaki Junichiro and I came accross this sentence :
I interpret this sentence as :
While they are people who will hate the world anyway now that they have gathered at the mountain of Takano, even to achieve (同じ厭離の願い) if there is a 座禅入定の法, there is also a 念佛三昧の道.
So I have a few questions:
What is a good translation for 厭う(いとう)? It means "to hate" but it also means "大事にする" as I saw in the dictionary so I can't put my finger on a good translation, or a good way to interpret this word.
What does 同じ厭離の願い mean in this sentence ?
And I see にも as のにも without the の but I am not sure, as I have never seen にも directly after a 連体形 without の. But it reminds me of には which I read somewhere that is a contraction of ためには or のには. Am I correct on this ?
I think I translated properly but the whole sentence doesn't make much sense, can anyone correct me please ?