Yesterday, I answered a question on the Anime SE site about a consistency between Japanese audio and English subtitles.
To summarize:
From what I could understand of the dialogue, the character in question was saying
Which I tentatively translated as
[My argument] didn't last for two seconds before being thrown out [the window].
Edit: I have found a clip on YouTube of the dialogue in question, that should hopefully not be region-locked. The phrase is at about 0:30. It could very well be the case that I misheard what was being said, and that my question is way off-base.
After performing a sentence search on for similar phrases using 捨てる as well as a cursory Google search, I couldn't find any authoritative evidence that the phrase 「まどから捨てる」 can be used in the same figurative sense as its translation can be in English, as in "to dismiss something completely."
My question is, was this usage of the phrase atypical, even in Japanese? Or is it commonly known and used, and I have just been looking in the wrong places?