I dont understand this sentence:

Action servletは、リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH、そしてACTIONクラスの完全修飾名を定義しているACTIONMAPPINGの集合によりなりたっています。

Does this mean: "the collection 'action'mapping, which defines the fully qualified domain name consists of the path which deals with the the request url"?

Particuarly confusing to me is the function of apparent noun (なになにと対応するPATH)followed by comma, and a そして.  


3 Answers 3


This sentence appeared ambiguous and poorly-written to me. After looking at some articles about Struts, I think this sentence should mean:

An action servlet consists of a collection of action mappings, each of which defines a) the path that corresponds to the request URL of a request, and b) the fully qualified name of an action class.

  • リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH: a path that corresponds to the request URL of a request (object). Note that と after リクエストURL is not "and" but "to" as in "A対応するB" ("B that corresponds to A")
  • ACTIONクラスの完全修飾名: the fully qualified name of an action class. 完全修飾名 is FQN, which is FQCN in this context. It's not to be confused with FQDN.
  • 「リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH、そしてACTIONクラスの完全修飾名」 is the object of 定義している. Here そして is just another way to say および ("and").

    青い空、そして青い海! The blue sky, and the blue ocean!

  • 「クエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH、そしてACTIONクラスの完全修飾名を定義している」 is a long relative clause that modifies "ACTIONMAPPING".
  • I don't know why PATH and ACTIONMAPPING are capitalized like this. Was this machine-translated, or was this sentence made by someone who doesn't care cases and spaces?

This sentence describes the following structure in a configuration XML file of Struts:

    <action path="/page1" type="com.example.Page1Action" />
    <action path="/page2" type="com.example.Page2Action" />

Here each <action> element forms a "mapping", where:

  • The path attribute defines リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH.
  • The type attribute defines ACTIONクラスの完全修飾名.
  • I must say again that the sentence in question is ambiguous if we don't refer to the documentation. Before I read some articles about Struts, the other answers by mackygoo and Philippe seemed legit...
    – naruto
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 23:34
  • Hence the importance of fuller context and knowledge of the subject matter! Good find, @naruto. As for the capitalized words, I run into it all the time and privately refer to it as random capitalizationitis -- the disease of Japanese 理系出身 writers to capitalize words left in English in the text willy-nilly. :(
    – Philippe
    Commented Jun 8, 2017 at 13:18

Your sentence use an A and B, as well as C type of construction.

To break it down a little:

The middle part breaks down as:


B: 対応するPATH、



の集合 -> applies the set of A+B+C

And the sentence overall is Action servletは、"the collection of A+B+C" によりなりたっています。

One more tip: 対応 also translates as corresponding in some contexts.

Hope that's enough to point you in the right direction.


Action servletは、リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH、そしてACTIONクラスの完全修飾名を定義しているACTIONMAPPINGの集合によりなりたっています。

Action servletは、


Action servlet consists of a set/collection (集合) of PATH and ACTIONMAPPING;
where PATH corresponds to the request URL of REQUEST,
ACTIONMSPPING defines the fully qualified domain name of ACTION CLASS.

According to the explanation here


Because the explanation in Japanese is ambiguous, it could be interpreted in two ways as:

  1. When ActionServlet is called, it decides the URL at that time and Action Class which is executed based on the Struts configuration file.

  2. When ActionServlet is called, it decides Action Class which is executed based on the URL at that time and the Struts configuration file.


<action-mapping> in <struts-config> is the place where URL and Action class to be called are described. More precise configuration is defined by <action> tag, where URL is defined by "path" attribute and Action class to be called is defined by "type" attribute.

Hope it helps.

  • 「『パス』と『クラス名を定義しているマッピング』の二者の集合」なのではなく、「『パス』と『クラス名』の二者を定義している『マッピング』の集合」じゃないですかね。まあ文からだけだとどちらとも解釈できる(というかmackygooさんやPhilippeさんの解釈の方が素直だとすら思える)ので、ドキュメント読まないとどうしようもありませんが。
    – naruto
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 23:12

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