Action servletは、リクエストのリクエストURLと対応するPATH、そしてACTIONクラスの完全修飾名を定義しているACTIONMAPPINGの集合によりなりたっています。
Action servletは、
Action servlet consists of a set/collection (集合) of PATH and ACTIONMAPPING;
where PATH corresponds to the request URL of REQUEST,
ACTIONMSPPING defines the fully qualified domain name of ACTION CLASS.
According to the explanation here
Because the explanation in Japanese is ambiguous, it could be interpreted in two ways as:
When ActionServlet is called, it decides the URL at that time and Action Class which is executed based on the Struts configuration file.
When ActionServlet is called, it decides Action Class which is executed based on the URL at that time and the Struts configuration file.
<action-mapping> in <struts-config> is the place where URL and Action class to be called are described. More precise configuration is defined by <action> tag, where URL is defined by "path" attribute and Action class to be called is defined by "type" attribute.
Hope it helps.