So, my textbook just taught me about -たつもり and -ているつもり, stuff like this: あの人は、全知があったつもりで話している。 => That person talks as if she had omniscience.
The "as if" pattern was introduced as a pattern for translation by my textbook, but I already run into trouble using it on the exercises in it. See here for example:
A:「つもり貯金」って何ですか。 B: 欲しい物があっても買わないで、それを買ったつもりで貯金することです。
First, I already have trouble with つもり貯金, I dont really know how to translate it. However the main issue here is that I can't see how I should translate this with the "as if" pattern. Other constructions which carry the subjunctive mood also don't really work here in my opinion.
I usually would translate it like this:
A: (To save money(?)) what is this? B: Even though you wish to have a thing, you don't buy it, and you save money with the intention to buy it.
I'd also like to point out that two other questions of mine ripple into this one here: 1. Concerning -ないで difference between -なくて and -ないで 2. Concerning つもりで what is this で in this sentence
My translation is based on what I got from my second question linked here.