【原文】Original version





Edited version

I have two questions about the expressions in Japanese:

  1. When were the expressions "のです" and "なのです" replaced by "んです" and "なんです" respectively?


  1. When was the expression "でござる" replaced by "でございます"?

In addition to the questions, I'd like to know the characteristic and the usage of each expression.






  • 1
    – user4092
    Commented May 11, 2017 at 13:36
  • 2
    @user4092 If you have some information that deserves the answer to the original question, I recommend you to answer the question along with showing how you interpreted the original question. If I had an informative answer to it, I did like that. But to my regret, I didn't have any answer to the difficult question and I also wanted to know the answer, so I dared to arrange the original answer poorly as the edited version. Thank you!
    – user20624
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 7:13
  • 1
    I have no idea what it's saying. Given that your interpretation is the case, my answer is "they have not been replaced to begin with".
    – user4092
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 14:10
  • His translation of my awful Japanese is spot on actually. Apologies if my question is stupid or makes no sense btw.
    – Tirous
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 20:16

1 Answer 1


Q1: When were the expressions "のです" and "なのです" replaced by "んです" and "なんです" respectively?


[1] how difference use way

[のです、 んです] vs [なのです、なんです]

(1) [のです、んです]

1. verb+の(ん)です

2. い adjective+の(ん)です

(2) [なのです、なんです ]

1. noun+な(attributive だ)+の(ん)です

2. な adjective+な(attributive だ)+の(ん)です


  1. What is the meaning of ~んです/~のだ/etc?~んです-~のだ

Q2:When was the expression "でござる" replaced by "でございます"?

A2::でございます used when is you should speak more formal and polite でござる to your higher




Source and detail

  1. https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q11120077396
  • 1
    Every time you edit your post, it bumps the question to the top of the list of active questions so people can review your changes. You've edited your post 25 times in the last day; this is a very large number of edits. Please consider trying to make fewer, more substantial edits.
    – user1478
    Commented Aug 19, 2017 at 1:12
  • 1
    @Dohak 質問は、「 いつから/いつの時代から 、『のです』『なのです』『でござる』と書くのをやめて、『んです』『なんです』『でございます』と書き始めたのですか?」って聞いてると思うんです。でも、その答えを見つけるのはちょっと難しそうです。「のです」「なのです」は、今も使いますから。「でござる」は、これが参考になるかも ⇒ デジタル大辞泉「ござる」 一番下、[補説]室町時代から江戸時代までは広く用いられたが、・・・江戸時代に入ると「まする」「ます」を伴う形がしだいに一般化し…
    – chocolate
    Commented Aug 19, 2017 at 3:12
  • @Chocolate 私は、**「いつ、AがBに交われるの?」**のと、**「いつからAがBに交われたの?」**二つで悩んでいました。英語が苦手で質問の理解ができませんでした。Advice, ありがとうございます。
    – Dohak Kim
    Commented Aug 19, 2017 at 10:50

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