I know the word 新鮮 means fresh and it is used as a na-adjective like for example a fresh salad (新鮮な野菜サラダ)

However I've recently seen it used in the following short sentence:


It doesn't seem to be used as an adjective, so I'm confused about what it's​ doing here.

And here's some context:

Group of friends are hanging out together A: "リサ…you didn't invite me to the party…does this mean you hate me!? B: "of course she hates you, how can anyone like a weirdo like you~!" リサ: Tries to diffuse the situation and says "No, no you've got it all wrong I don't hate you! Please there's a reasonable explanation as to why you didn't receive an invitation!" C: takes a photograph of them with her camera and says - "あわててるリサさんって新鮮…!"

Is 新鮮 an expression of some sort then? Perhaps referring to how C just took a 'fresh' photo? Like how we say "hot off the press" in English? Or does it still retain the meaning of "fresh" and she's just omitting the noun that 新鮮 is describing?

1 Answer 1


In plain Japanese it's 慌てているリサさんは新鮮だ (lit. "Flustrated Lisa is fresh.")。って works as an emphatic topic marker (see: Replacing は with って). This 新鮮 is a na-adjective (aka descriptive noun), and だ after 新鮮 is omitted (see: what exactly is "体言止{たいげんど}め"? ). Here 新鮮 means something like "new (to me) and surprising."

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