No, hentai is a typical "英製和語" that has gained a totally different meaning outside of Japan. It never means anime porn in Japan.
Wikipedia defines hentai as "catch-all term to describe a genre of anime and manga pornography." In Japanese, this idea is well described by a slang word 二次元【にじげん】 (lit "two dimension"). The opposing idea is of course 三次元【さんじげん】 ("three dimension", live-action ones or sometimes real people). They are often contracted to 二次 (lit "secondary")/三次 (lit "tertiary"). 18禁 is too broad and エロアニメ/エロ漫画 are too specific.
Most Japanese 二次元 fans understand these ateji argots: 虹 (lit "rainbow") for 二次元 and 惨事 (lit "disaster") for 三次元. Yeah, posting a 三次元 image to a certain type of image board is certainly disastrous to the users :)
EDIT: Oops, I should've mentioned that 二次元/三次元 by themselves do not necessarily refer to X-rated ones, while it's hard to imagine a 二次元 fan who dislikes 二次元 porn. 二次元コスパ does not sell X-rated goods, for example.