医学 「いがく」 seems to be the field of medicine

医術 「いじゅつ」 might be another word for the field of medicine?

薬 「くすり」 is the word I found listed most often.

However, I also saw 医薬 「いやく」 and 薬剤 「やくざい」 but don't know what the differences between these words are.

  • 医学 is いがく. Also, although most can be used as meaning medicine, 薬 is generally the most popular/casual one. Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 7:46

1 Answer 1


No comparison; Go with 「薬{くすり}」 or 「お薬」 as a patient or someone on the patient's side. It is hard to beat kun-yomi words in intuitiveness.

「医薬」 and 「薬剤」 are too technical/academic for everyday conversations unless you are a medical professional.

「医学」 and 「医術」 do not even mean 「薬」 in the first place. Those words refer to the study/field of Medicine.

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