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This is how I understand the sentence:

84 If you are a man who'd drop me for this
85 won't you fall in love with me first?

But it's such a weird thing to say. Something like "...you couldn't have liked me much to begin with." would make more sense to me, but it's not written. I think.

Context: It's a BL manga and one of the guys grew suddenly taller than the other and is now worried that his boyfriend doesn't want him anymore.

  • 3
    More context needed. How do we know who is talking to who? Is the 「男」 the listener or a third person?
    – user4032
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 6:42

1 Answer 1



To show the hidden personal pronouns:


It means...

If you were a man who'd {dump me / give me up} {for this / because of that},
I wouldn't have fallen in love with you, to begin with.

俺が is the subject for (or, is the one who does the action) 好きになる.

  • Is an alternative interpretation not possible? (お前が)それで(俺を)手放すような男なら、まず俺(のこと)が好きになってねぇか If you were a man who'd dump me for this, are you saying that you didn't fall in love with me? (I'm somehow thrown off by か in your interpretation of the sentence.)
    – Earthliŋ
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 9:41
  • @Earthliŋ, Doesn't that それで mean and ( to connect sentences by jumping to another topic ) , so I guess there is nothing to refer with for this. And what does the last 's work here? Is it same as the confirmation in an angry way? I think the girl finished explaining sth. then she wanted to correct the guy about being dumped (which really annoyes her) that he cannot dump someone if it's a one sided love. So she souts at him:I've never been in love with you, don't you get it Please correct me
    – mkb
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 12:34
  • 2
    @Earthliŋ 文法的にはそれも可能なのでしょうが、まずこの文を読んだら、「それで手放すような男なら」の部分は「好きになる」の目的語だな、って思うんです。「お前はそんな理由で手放すような男じゃない。そういうところがいいんだ。そういう部分を俺は好きになったんだ」って感じです。あと、もし「俺のことが」って意味なら、「それで手放すような男なら、俺なんかを/俺なんか好きになってねえか」とか「俺を好きになんかなってねぇか」と言う方が自然な気がします。最後の「か」は、「ああ、そうか。そうだよな。」という、思い直す感じの気持ちだと思います、英語にできませんが。すみません。
    – chocolate
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 13:28
  • 2
    That 「か」 at the end really bothered me because it's only used to pose a question, but I think I've figured it out. Because I don't know the context I can't be 100% sure, but this makes perfect sense if he's talking to himself or making a comment like "I guess ~~~". So in this situation it would be something along the lines of "But then again, I guess I wouldn't have fallen in love with you in the first place if you were the kind of man who would give up so easily over something like that". Commented Feb 14, 2017 at 5:05
  • 1
    @HalfwayDillitante そうそう、そんな感じです!英訳すごい上手~!…って当たり前かぁ …。うらやましい~~(´ρ`)
    – chocolate
    Commented Feb 14, 2017 at 5:28

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