What are the correct terms for:
attribute (a part of sentence) as a word or phrase that is syntactically subordinate to another and serves to limit, identify, particularize, describe, or supplement the meaning of the form with which it is in construction?
adverbial (or adverbial modifier) - a word or phrase functioning as an adverb.
For an attribute I could only find 属性{ぞくせい} and 限定{げんてい} and for adverbial 副詞句{ふくしく} and 副詞節{ふくしせつ}. Are these terms commonly used in the linguistic community?
Also, what is a term for "part of sentence"? I know part of speech is 品詞{ひんし}, but cannot find how to say "part of sentence". Is 文の部分 an appropriate term?