First, 作動する is almost always intransitive, whereas English run is both transitive and intransitive. In English, you can safely say both "the system runs" and "run the system". In Japanese, you can say システムが作動する but usually not システムを作動する. (Actually, 作動する may be occasionally used transitively by some people, but it must be fairly uncommon. I checked the first 200 examples of 作動 on BCCWJ Corpus and found no example of 作動する used as a transitive verb.)
When you want to make a causative form, for most intransitive verbs, the agent (or "causee") must be marked with を. See this if you're not familiar with causation in Japanese.
So 仕掛けを作動させる in this sentence literally means "(I) make the device run/function", not "(I) run the device". The subject of the verb (作動させる) is the speaker, which is omitted in this sentence, as usual.