In sentence: "放課後とりま石井ん家に集合な!"
3 Answers
「Person's Name/Nickname or Personal Pronoun + ん + [家]{ち}」
is an informal way of saying "~~'s place/house". 「家」 is read 「ち」 in this expression. This reading is exceptional, so it must be mentioned.
「~~ + んち」=「~~ + の + うち」
「とりま」 is a slangy shortened form of 「とりあえず、まあ」, which loosely means "for the time being", "first off", etc.
"After school, we're going to meet at Ishii's place first, alright?"
Is とりま a relatively new phrase? Never heard that before. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:29
2Also, if the
Person's Name/Nickname or Personal Pronoun
ends in ん, the following ん is omitted (e.g. あきちゃん家).– Earthliŋ ♦Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:52
I believe the ん is just a contracted の in this case.
放課後とりま石井の家に集合な! → We're meeting at Ishii's house after school!
Edit: Apparently 「とりま」 is a slang contraction of 「とりあえず、まあ」.
I think it's not a name as well, why would you call your friend with both names? It must be some kind of location. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 15:34
ん[家]{ち} is a contraction of の[家]{うち}. It goes with names, like 石井ん家 "Ishii's place", or personal pronouns, like あんたん家 "your place" or 私ん家 "my place".
If the name ends in ん the ん of ん家 is omitted, e.g. あきちゃん家 "Aki's place".
It's a very common way to say "[somebody]'s place/house". This reading of 家 even has its own dictionary entry, for example in 大辞林