
I found that 「妖しい」is an i-adjective but in this case the alphabet 「い」is missing. For my understanding, the way to change i-adjective is to replace the last 「い」with「さ」. Or is this a way to change adjective into noun form?

2 Answers 2


It is actually しい-adjectives rather than いーadjectives that we should be looking at here. しい-adjectives are adjectives that end in 「しい」, and not just 「い」.

Examples: [愛]{いと}しい (beloved)、[懐]{なつ}かしい (dear old)、[麗]{うるわ}しい (graceful)、[妖]{あや}しい (mysterious), etc.

「[しい-Adjective] minus い plus の」 (Drop the い and add a の)

makes a kind of elegant word out of the しい-adjective that also functions adjectivally.

I have no idea at what stage in Japanese-as-a-foreign-language this is taught, but this format is quite common in Japanese.

Examples: 「懐かしの[歌声]{うたごえ}」 (dear old singing voice)、「愛しのエリー」 (Ellie my love) ← popular song title、「麗しの[君]{きみ}」 (the graceful you), etc.

「妖しの[怪談編]{かいだんへん}」, thus, means "the Mysterious Ghost Stories Edition".

As far as pure meaning, 「妖しの怪談編」 and 「妖しい怪談編」 are pretty much the same. It is just that the former looks and sounds more elegant and/or refined and kind of more literary than the latter.


It seems like this 「妖し」 form is an old form of 「妖しい」, as seen here.

Also, besides the provided book title, I could find just two examples of the colocation, being 「妖しのセレス」 (the anime) and 「怪し火」.

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